Monday, December 1, 2008


I miss you a lot. I don't know whether it is because I am a very emotional person or is it because I love you so much that I can't stop crying the moment I start thinking about you. I have no Idea. I know that you have been very unfair to me. I always believed that you treated me badly. But I don't know how much pain you might have gone through to bring me up. But all parents do that. It is their responsibility to bring their children up such a way as to face the world with confidence and will power. It is very sad that you back stabbed me when I needed you the most.


But still I cry…


I know you cannot be mine ever again.. but still I hope things will be fine tomorrow…

Monday, June 23, 2008

That was'nt Me

My Dear Ruby,

I am writing this to tell you how much great full i am in having you. You made me realize what i have been missing in my life. You have brought me to a place where when i look back i see nothing but darkness. You have always blinded me with the amount of love and care you have shown to me. It is nothing like i have ever seen in my life before. You redefined me. You made to have a new outlook about myself and about everything i ever knew. You gave me everything which i believed only lived in fairy tales. You take care of when ever i play child around you. You take care of me and support me no matter what. You always make sure that you give me importance in whatever you do. You always know what i want and you adjust according to it. When i think about you I feel like I have got everything in life and I am complete. The word 'I' has become so alien to me that when ever I use that I feel awkward and stupid.

I am leaving this note incomplete because i know it will take "for ever" to finish this topic.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

May be once I see her. Things will go back to normal.

I have become very vulnerable, I can no longer handle sadness.

But I thought I can say anything to her.


Yeah but she is not well. I should see that also


I have all the reason to be sad. I shouldn't have asked her in the first place.

Back on the No man’s Land

I feel like writing something terrible. I don't know what to write and what to think. So it is better that I don't write anything. But if I am not writing then what is the point. So I will write.

I am feeling very lonely. I am not sure is it because she shouted at me or is it because DAD said there is nothing to say. Whatever triggered it now I am heaving a very very heavy heart. A feeling that I had forgotten for a loooooong time.


I feel like hearing to ishanth's theme for ever.

Friday, March 21, 2008

it is time i closed you down..!!!

I dont need you any more. I dont have anything to tell you. your existence now is just a mere trace of my past. You dont have anything to do with me no more. I think it is time that you impose upon yourself a mercy killing or you die a death which will be soon forgotten..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Marriage Marriage

The sadness of loosing everybody is on one hand, the happyness of being with the person you love the most on the other.

The Curses are on one hand, prayers and hope are on the other.

The fear for life of the loved one is on one hand and the courage for standing up no matter what is on the other.

The pain of being hated by everyone you know till date is in one hand, the joy of being loved more than anything else in the world is on the other.