Wednesday, March 14, 2007


"Pullquotes... can bring a reader back into your text..."




Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An Evening with Faheemosphere

When Hema told me that she has got two tickets for water. I didn't had think twice to decide that i am taking them. There were two reasons

1. I had to watch the movie at any cost.
2. It was time for doing back the favour for she had taken for Morning show ticket of Mozhi from me.

Who will i go with? My goodness. Who will come with me for a movie like water. My first choice was Hemavathy a friend of mine who i have never seen. I know her only through the short messages we had exchanged. She refused to come as she was worried about her so called "brother" who is her colleague from the previous company she worked in. Anyway thank god she rejected the offer. Hema was also not happy with somebody using her name. :-)

Next option was Fahim the old class mate from crescent. Smiji warned me about going with him. I knew he is a kanjoos makhi choose but as always i was looking at the better part of his. I asked him to come he happily accepted the offer.

Saturday evening we met at the beach station. It was not very late when i realized i have done a great mistake. He was asking 1000 questions for buying a bloody snack. I should have watched the movie alone than spending money on such a selfish, self centered person.

Ya I am sounding rude. I know.

What was most painful was his review about the movie. When i asked him how was the movie he said and i quote "It was good but the climax was not good".


What the bloody hell...

It is an evening i will soon like to forget..